For Christmas, I had fun creating a colourful, two-tone ornament wreath, and my sister gave me the idea to recreate the DIY wreath for Easter using colourful Easter eggs. Pinterest is full of inspiration, so you can find a pretty pastel colour combination, or you can go my route and upcycle old neon easter eggs you might have used for easter egg hunts as a kid. I love that it has some sentimental value for me, I cherished Easter Sundays where I raced my sister to find the most eggs in our cluttered house! Now those plastic eggs hang proudly (and loudly) on my front door. The DIY process is similar to the ornament wreath, but I found it so much easier to layer the plastic eggs, and didn’t require as many eggs as the ornaments to fill in the gaps.
You will need:
- Glue gun (use a low heat one as the eggs are light and you don’t want to melt the foam)
- Hot glue sticks
- Foam wreath form (mine was a heat resistant foam form from Michaels)
- Plastic easter eggs – I used about 70, but you might need more
- Matching ribbon
Step 1: Start by gluing eggs around the perimeter of the wreath form. Mix up the colours and direction of the tops.
Step 2: Repeat on the inside.
Step 3: Glue on eggs on the top part of the form.
Step 4: Start layering eggs to cover up any gaps where the wreath form shows through. Layer different colours and sizes to get the look.
Step 5: Fill in any remaining gaps with the smallest size eggs you have. I was running short on my supplies, so I mainly filled in the gaps on the top of the wreath, and areas that would be most visible when it’s hanging. A good idea is to hold the wreath vertically (as it will hang) and fill in any bald spots.
Step 6: Remove any stray glue strings, and cut a ribbon long enough to tie a bow and hang.
Step 7: Enjoy your DIY Easter egg wreath! I love the look of a clear lucite hanger to let the bright, poppy colours stand out! I’d love to repeat this DIY with other themes, like ping pong balls painted in summery pastels, or mini sports balls to celebrate playoff season or a golf ball version for my dad on Father’s Day!