November was… rough. I had a lot on my plate, and had to prioritize between studying for the bar exam, articling and moving. A couple weeks ago, I wrote the solicitor exam and had to move that very same weekend. My study and blogging schedule made it feel like I hadn’t had a day off in over a month. Just as the dust settled on the exam, we had to pick up everything and move. When it rains it pours, I guess.
Even though I had many outfit posts already shot, I just didn’t have the time or energy to sit and write. Forgive me for posting a bare legs outfit photo about two months too late, but I’m thinking of repeating this outfit with opaque black tights and booties for a chic look!
I’m wearing a dress from Zara (similar striped dress here), a black cat purse from Kate Spade, and Cavell loafers, also from Kate Spade at Nordstrom.
Shop the look:
I think it’s key to take some time out and prioritize. Over the past few years, blogging has become a passionate outlet and has allowed me to develop many skills. In the end though, my job and my path to becoming a lawyer always took a front seat. I tried to poke fun at my endless pages of bar materials on Instagram Stories, but I was secretly panicking on the inside. I was kicking myself for not writing the second test in June, like everyone else, and angry I had to manage everything all at once now.
My friend Elsa wrote a post about her experience writing the bar, and I think it was a very helpful reminder that professionals need to take their time and make those big steps when they are ready. It reminded me that I decided to postpone my second test in June because I wasn’t ready at the time. It also reminded me how grateful I was to be more than part way through the process.
…and now I wait. I won’t lie, I get annoyed when a friend, relative or acquaintance asks me if I know whether I passed yet. I only wrote two weeks ago, okay! I’m still trying to recover my eye bags.
I guess I also wasn’t ready to post these photos when it was nicer out.