DIY: Easter egg decorating ideas

Happy Easter long weekend to everyone celebrating the holiday! Easter always brings fuzzy, warm memories. From hunting for Easter eggs with my sister to the smell of my mother’s delicious paska (Russian Easter bread) wafting through out the house. The holiday also signals the return of spring, and I always look forward to celebrating it. It’s a great opportunity for…
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DIY: Easter egg wreath

For Christmas, I had fun creating a colourful, two-tone ornament wreath, and my sister gave me the idea to recreate the DIY wreath for Easter using colourful Easter eggs. Pinterest is full of inspiration, so you can find a pretty pastel colour combination, or you can go my route and upcycle old neon easter eggs you might have used for…
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Nightstand cold necessities ft. Kleenex

It’s that time of year again. While the sun is staying out longer and the air is getting warmer, it also means that germs are everywhere and the fluctuating temperatures make it easy for you to pick up a bug. I always get sick this time a year, especially since it coincides with a hectic (but fun) fashion week schedule…
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