It’s that time of year again. While the sun is staying out longer and the air is getting warmer, it also means that germs are everywhere and the fluctuating temperatures make it easy for you to pick up a bug. I always get sick this time a year, especially since it coincides with a hectic (but fun) fashion week schedule here in Toronto. I wanted to share a few tips for keeping colds at bay and dealing with them, so here are my nightstand necessities for battling a nasty spring cold!
Bed rest is key to killing a cold, and personally, I like to make sure I get at least eight hours in when I’m feeling tired during cold season to avoid getting sick. If I am sick, I will usually sleep in till at least 10 a.m. or let my body naturally wake up with the sunlight.
Once I’m up, I like to take things easy and catch up on all of my favourite blogs and websites on my iPad. Light reading is also a good way to relax and not let your brain turn into mush when you’re a shut in.
Inside my mirrored jewelry box, I like to stash away any unsightly cold remedies that would usually clutter my night table. This includes vitamin D drops, cough drops, tylenol and eye drops. I find that my eyes get super irritated when I’m sick, so I like to keep them hydrated. Another thing I keep near my bedside is a humidifier. It’s really important to keep your nasal passages hydrated, and it can help clear your head sooner. A humid room will also hydrate your skin, so I like to keep one on for a few hours every day, even if I’m not suffering from a cold.
My biggest tip for getting over a cold is a jar of natural Eucalyptus oil. This jar has some menthol as well, and when you open it at night, the scent is great for clearing sinuses and helping you breathe better. You can also use it as a room air freshener. A pretty candle by Voluspa is also a nice touch to make you feel pampered while you’re sick.
Tissues are a must-have when you’re sick and I like to keep a box at arm’s reach. There’s no need for an unsightly box anymore, since Kleenex has come up with hundreds of dazzling designs to suit your space. I was shopping at Loblaws and fell in love with the purple and citron rose design on this chic square box. I was even more shocked to find that the Kleenex box was designed by Isaac Mizrahi! It ties in perfectly to my room decor and there’s no need to hid the box underneath in a drawer. You can find your perfect Kleenex match with the Kleenex Style Studio quiz!
Of course, a cuddly cat, like Coco Chanel here will also help you get over your cold. Don’t ask why, they have magic kitty powers when they sit on you and purr.
This post was sponsored by Kleenex, but I actually, truly loved the box I featured.