I wanted to quickly share my Moonrise Kingdom costume I wore last weekend for Halloween. My boyfriend and I dressed up as Sam & Suzy for Halloween, because we went to the Gladstone Hotel for the “Grand(stone) Budapest Hotel” Wes Anderson-themed party! It was completely surreal, seeing hundreds of people dressed up as the Tanenbaums, Sam & Suzy, or Fantastic Foxes. The event was so cute, and I loved the live band and DJ providing the soundtrack. Halloween is always such a hit or miss for me, so I was happy to have such a cool theme to build our night around.
As far as building the Moonrise Kingdom Halloween costume, I got my pink cotton dress from the Gap, and added a felt collar and cuffs which I sewed on carefully.
I added knee-high white socks from Forever 21, and wore my favourite pair of oxfords from Clark’s. I also carried around a handmade leather bag from Mexico (similar bag here) to emulate Suzy’s kitten basket during the event. For a finishing touch, I also wore little beatle earrings from Forever 21! I hunted down little plastic beatles at every dollar store, but realized I already owned a pair of bug earrings. For these pictures, I carried around my grandma’s vintage trunk. I’ve seen similar ones at Goodwill or Kensington Market. I was too lazy to carry it around all night and I’m really glad I hadn’t!
For my boyfriend’s Sam Moonrise Kingdom Costume, he wore his old scouts shirt (visit your local thrift store to find one), khaki pants, and a fur trapper hat I picked up at a souvenir shop in Ottawa’s Byward Market.
I also wore a pink wool coat to the party and this red beret to complete the outfit! I hope everyone had an amazing Halloweekend, I personally can’t wait to have a theme party or ugly Christmas Sweater party to have an excuse to dress up again!
This is an amazing costume duo! Totally keeping this in mind for next year 🙂