Barbie girl

Barbie girl

A couple months ago, my family visited me in Ottawa, and brought my dog Rosie! It was a special treat, and while my mom and sister stayed in a hotel, I got some quality time with my bae. I took her on a few walks in my neighbourhood, and wore this Forever 21 Barbie sweater for a cozy look before going shopping with my mom.

forever 21 barbie sweater pink forever 21 barbie sweater outfit

I’m wearing a Forever 21 Barbie sweater (take an extra 30% off sale with code EXTRA30), a jacquard skirt (I love this Old Navy jacquard skirt, now 50% off!), Urban Outfitters Emma sunglasses, Rebecca Minkoff Mini Mac in Black (get 25% off orders of $275+ with code WKNDWIN), Jeffrey Campbell Everly booties and Polka dot tights from the GAP, now 50% off!

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pink barbie sweater forever 21 rosie rebecca minkoff mini mac black girl with pomapoo jacquard skirt barbie sweater

This Forever 21 Barbie sweater is super cozy, and I love the beautiful light pink colour. It can be dressed up with a skirt like I’m wearing, but I’ve also paired it with leggings or black jeans for a more casual outfit.

The Forever 21 Barbie sweater is sold out, but I think you can go on their wait list. I love these eyelash sweaters because they are super warm! In the fall, you can wear them on their own instead of wearing a jacket, and when it gets freezing in the winter, I love wearing them for cozy saturday looks.


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