In any breakup, the most important step is moving on. A couple weeks ago, I attended the Break Up and Move event at the University of Ottawa. When people entered the space to do yoga, there was a wall where guests could write down what they wanted to break up with. I wasn’t too surprised by the fact that many fellow students also wanted to get over stress in their lives.
That morning I was a little bit stressed out – my prof scheduled a makeup class I ended up being late for, and I was falling behind in readings after a weekend in Quebec skiing and visiting a sugar shack. I felt a bit guilty for blowing off my work, but during the yoga class, I set an intention to appreciate the things that make me happy. I’m happy I had the chance to be with my boyfriend all weekend. While I didn’t get through all my case briefs, I realized I was grateful for the memories and time spent with loved ones.
The class was followed by a chat with relationship expert, Kimberly Moffit and women’s health expert, Dr. Tania Dumont. It was fun chatting about our own breakups and I loved the Q&A session (it didn’t hurt that I was enjoying yummy fruit and a green juice, while basking in a post-yoga glow either!)
One piece of advice was that moving on from a bad relationship or habit requires one thing – focusing on what’s best for you. Whether that’s drinking more water, getting more sleep or moving to another country to try something new! Dr. Dumont also chatted about the importance of choosing women’s health options that are the best choice for you. If you’ve been missing pills or dealing with mood swings and you’ve considered breaking up with the pill, check out birthcontrolforme.ca.
Getting over stress isn’t easy, but I’ve found that balanced eating, more sleep and little indulgences have helped a lot. Another cure for me is having a furry friend. My cat Mousse finally moved in with me, and it has been a great distraction. Before, my apartment was stressful and lonely, but now I have something to care for and come home to. If you live alone, I would definitely consider fostering, pet-sitting or even getting a plant or something else that makes your study space feel more like a home!
As I enter exam season, I’ve made a calendar for myself to schedule study time, workouts and downtime. I want to make sure that I don’t let school take over everything! Another big part about moving on is looking forward. I’m in full job search mode, planning a getaway and I’ve been training for the Nike Women’s Toronto 15K… Needless to say, the energy I used to waste on stress is now being focused into getting through exams and looking to the season ahead. I’m dreaming about summer already!
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